
The department offers a graduate program in a 美术创意写作硕士. Students participate in writing workshops in fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry. Additionally, students undertake coursework in African American literature and non-African American literature. MFA候选人也提出MFA论文(至少30首诗或 5 short stories [at least 100 pages] or 150 pages of a novel or creative non-fiction), successfully complete a comprehensive examination in African American literature, 并公开朗读/表演其原创作品(手稿). Essentially, the thesis constitutes a volume of poetry, a short story collection or a novel which 学生毕业后可以出版. 学生将在这一类型中表现出能力 of their choice, choosing from the following categories: fiction, creative non-fiction, and poetry. 学生可以选修剧本创作和电影剧本创作的课程 and television as electives.

The Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing is a terminal degree and the appropriate 创造性写作教学证书. 据美联社报道 创意写作的文学硕士学位被认为相当于博士学位.D. in 文学、语言学或写作. 持有188bet金宝搏官网登录网址的学位 University will not only be able to teach courses in creative writing, but courses in African American literature, African literature, Third World literature, as well as non-Black literature. MFA学位的重点是通过写作的研究 原创作品的练习、表演和出版.

Visiting Writers

Throughout the academic year, writers of prestige and established literary reputation 在科罗拉多州立大学担任客座作家. MFA学生有机会参与 in writing workshops or seminars conducted by established poets, novelists, short 故事作家、剧作家和编剧. 来访作家包括马丁·埃斯帕达, Honree Fannon Jeffers, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Roger Bonair-Agard, Crystal Wilkinson, 凯文·科瓦尔,弗兰克·沃克,阿奇·奥贝哈斯,斯特林·普拉普. 

Admission Requirements

For admission to the program, prospective MFA students must meet the general requirements of the graduate school, hold a baccalaureate degree in the arts and sciences from 经过认证的学院或大学,平均绩点达到3分.0 or better (on a 4.00 scale). Applicants are expected to have completed a general education program that includes courses in the natural and biological sciences, mathematics, social sciences, and humanities. 没有英语本科专业的申请者也可以被录取 条件是他们要弥补课程作业中的不足.

Prospective students are required to submit the following two-part application:
Part One: Application forms from the Graduate Studies Office, official transcripts, three letters of recommendation, GRE general test scores, and a personal essay describing 他们的写作性质和写作过程. 第二部分:创意作品集 work: for poets, 20 pages of poetry; for fiction and creative non-fiction writers, 40 pages of prose. 作品集是申请中最重要的部分. Every 手稿由MFA教务委员会宣读.


Division of Graduate Studies
Chicago State University
9501 South King Drive, LIB338
Chicago, IL 60628

General Requirements


Completion of a minimum of eighteen semester hours of undergraduate work in English 学士学位,平均绩点可以接受.

Completion of at least thirty-six credit hours of graduate level course work, exclusive 教学方法课程,平均成绩为B (3).0) or above.

Successful completion of the:

1)    Thesis
2)    Comprehensive exam in African American or non-African American literature
3)    Oral presentation

Specific Requirements

Completion of thirty-six semester hours of graduate work in English selected with MFA顾问的批准. 教学方法课程除外.

Completion of at least three courses at the  5000-level, including at least two seminars. 

Core Course Requirements

Writing/Workshop (15 hrs) Choose 6 hrs of ENG 5367 or ENG 5368 and 9 additional hours
出版(6小时)选择ENG 5456和3个额外的小时
Thesis (6 hrs)

Workshop/Writing Courses

  1. eng5367 -英语专题
  2. eng5368 -英文工作坊
  3. Eng 5380 -创意非小说研讨会
  4. Eng 5381 - Seminar in Fiction
  5. Eng 5383 - Seminar in Poetry
  6. Eng 5395 -写作实习
  7. eng5451 -独立学习英语
  8. Eng 5461 -广告诗歌创作工作坊
  9. 英文5463 -广告散文小说写作小组
  10. eng5465 -广告非虚构写作工作坊
  11. CMAT 5323 -电视写作
  12. CMAT 5324 -剧本写作
  13. CMAT 5373 -高级脚本编写

Publishing Courses

  1. Eng 5379 -出版工作坊
  2. Eng 5395 -出版实习
  3. 英文5456 -出版-写作研讨会

Literature Courses

  1. eng5321 -黑人女性作家
  2. 美国黑人诗歌
  3. 英格5323 -赖特,埃里森和鲍德温
  4. Eng 5324 -格温多林布鲁克斯研讨会
  5. Eng 5331 - Literary Criticism
  6. Eng 5332 -美国黑人小说
  7. 英语5370 -美国民族文学经验
  8. 英语5382 -哈林文艺复兴
  9. 非裔美国人自传
  10. Eng 5390 - Women's Voices
  11. 英文5428 -文学批评的历史
  12. 英语文学高级研究
  13. 美国文学高级研究
  14. 工程5443 -高级研究的黑色文学
  15. 英语5447 -黑人文学研讨会
  16. 英语5452 -英国文学研讨会
  17. 英语5453 -美国文学研讨会


Program Objectives

  • 完成课程后,学生将能够展示:
  • A thorough understanding of literary standards and schools of criterion, as applied 在小说、非小说、诗歌、戏剧和剧本写作方面.
  • The ability to analyze creative literary works using the appropriate dictionary terms and standards.
  • A knowledge of literary periods as well as an understanding of how historical contexts impact a literary work.
  • 写作技巧和艺术技巧.
  • A knowledge and an appreciation of literature produced by writers of diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • 能够运用技术创作或批评文学作品.
  • 出版具有文学价值的作品所需的技能和知识基础.
  • Ability to teach creative writing at the community college and four-year university levels.
  • 作为一名活跃的创意作家独立工作.e.、出版、演出等 小说家、诗人、短篇小说作家、剧作家或编剧.


The MFA program is housed in the The Gwendolyn Brooks Center for Black Literature and Creative Writing.  格温多林·布鲁克斯中心成立于1990年 and cultural center invested in researching, teaching, and disseminating information about acclaimed Black writers, especially the life and works of Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000), 前伊利诺斯州桂冠诗人,科罗拉多州立大学杰出英语教授.  The goal of the Brooks Center is to strengthen the humanities in general and promote the study of Black writers to a local, national, and international community of students, 教职工和公众.  该中心广泛的文化洞察力的选择 and academically stimulating programs include the annual Gwendolyn Brooks Writer's Conference, Black History Month Video and Film Festival, and Women's HIstory Month 讲座和工作坊系列,以及召唤女性写作工作坊.  The Center publishes a bi-annual literary journal, Warpland:  A Journal of Black Literature 和Ideas,以著名作家、新兴作家和新作家的作品为特色.

MFA graduates have books in print with Simon and Schuster, Main Street Rag, Third World Press, Urban Books and Willow Press, and have received the following awards, fellowships and prizes:  Fulbright and Cave Canem fellowships, Transitions Abroad Narrative Writing Contest, Elixir Poetry Prize finalist, The Guild Complex Nonfiction 入围《188bet金宝搏官网登录网址》杂志畅销书排行榜.  Their work has appeared in national juried literary journals such as Crab Orchard Review, Reverie, Caylx and Sage Publications.  自2003年第一届毕业班以来,已有6名学生离开 to Ph.D. programs.  其中一半人获得了英语/创意专业的博士学位 Writing and three are ABD from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Milwaukee, The University of Illinois, Chicago, and the State University of New York, Albany and Binghamton.  最后,我们的毕业生担任终身教职/行政职位 appointments at Wiley College, University of New Haven, The New School in New York, the City Colleges of Chicago, Purdue University, Lane College, DePaul University, and Columbia College, Chicago.


Kelly Norman Ellis, Director

Tougaloo Blues, Spaces Between Us:  Poetry Prose and Art on HIV/AID co-editor, M.L. Hunter.

Brenda E. Aghahowa


Sandra Jackson-Opoku

Hot Johnny (and the women who loved him) (2001); Sea Island Summer (2001); The River Where Blood is Born (1998).

Quraysh Ali Lansana

They Shall Run:  Harriet Tubman Poems , Role Call:  A Generational Anthology - Editor.

Nnedi Okorafor















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